Rotating Obstacle
by Kennedy Joseph
Build the Obstacle
Build the Base
To start, you’re going to need a large sheet of cardboard, which will act as the base of your game. The servo is going to need to go inside your base, so you will need to measure the size of the servo directly onto the base.
Cut out the outline you made with some scissors and place your servo inside of the base so that the white arm comes through.
Notice how the servo has little wings on the edges of it? Those edges should rest on top of the cardboard while the rest of it will hang below.
If the hole for your servo is too big, you can cut out some tiny panels and glue them to the bottom of your base to hold your servo into place.
Create the Rotating Panel
To keep things simple, you can cut a thin piece of cardboard and glue it to the arms of the s<ervo.