Swinging Obstacle
by Kennedy Joseph
Build the Obstacle
Build the Frame
To start, you’re going to need a thin sheet of cardboard, which will act as the base of your game or our pathway for our ball to go down. Then, we’re going to glue up two additional pieces of cardboard to either side of that sheet of cardboard to act as the “walls” of our pathway.

After securing the walls for the base of the game, we’re going to have to cut a hole for our servo. To do this, you will need to measure the size of the servo directly onto the base.
Cut out the outline you made with some scissors and place your servo inside of the base so that the white arm comes through.
Notice how the servo has little wings on the edges of it? Those edges should rest on top of the cardboard while the rest of it will hang below. After securing the servo into the base, attach, place the arm of the arm onto the servo.

Building the Paddle
Now it is time to build the paddle. To keep things simple, just cut out a small piece of cardboard to glue it to the arm of the servo.

Now, let’s get your paddle swinging. You are going to need to wire and program the servo.